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Library's Hours:

Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad)

Use Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) to request items such as books, articles (print or electronic copies), and dissertations from libraries worldwide. Please be aware, however, that Interlibrary Loan is a cooperative service; because some libraries have staff limitations, requests may be delayed or remain unfulfilled.

Interlibrary Loan does not fill requests for:

Placing Requests: An Overview

Note: Before placing a request, check the library catalog to make sure we do not already own the item. If an item we own is missing, contact the Circulation Department to request a search; if it cannot be located, you will be allowed to submit an ILLiad request for the item.

Request Limits: There are no request limits, but Interlibrary Loan staff can limit how many requests are processed per day per user during busy periods.

Cost: Most requests are free, but some libraries do charge fees to lend their items. If this is the only option available, we will contact you to confirm whether you are willing to pay the fee.

Waiting Period: Items are usually received in 7 to 10 days; some requests can take longer, and some as little as 2 or 3 days. There is no guarantee that the requested material will be located, however.

Delivery time depends on many factors, such as where the material is located and how quickly that library responds to requests. We make every effort to get your items in the shortest time possible.  We cannot accept requests with a deadline.

Borrowing Rules

Loan Period: The loan period is set by the lending library, usually around 3 weeks.

  • There is no grace period on due dates.
  • You must abide by any additional lending restrictions placed on the use of the material (such as "In-library use only").
  • Photocopies of articles are yours to keep.

Renewals: Renewals can sometimes be arranged, and may be requested online through ILLiad.

Late Fees: $1 per day/per item.

Lost or Damaged Items: You will be charged for any lost or damaged materials. Libraries may refuse to lend to us in the future if their materials are late or damaged.

Pick-ups & Returns

Pick-Up Notification: You will be notified by e-mail or phone when your requested material arrives. You can also log in to your ILLiad Account to monitor the progress of your request.

Where to Pick Up:

  • Articles: Photocopies will be mailed or faxed to you. Electronic Delivery of PDFs is also available.
  • Books and other items: Pick these up at the delivery location you chose when you registered for ILLiad.

Returning Items: All Interlibrary Loan materials must be returned in person to the King Library.

Do NOT put Interlibrary Loan materials in the book drop.