Access Instructions:When using a computer in the King Library, users will be linked to a page where they must enter their campus email address in order to be given a "WRDS Daypass" for access. Off campus users will authenticate first (Tower ID, PIN) and then can enter their campus email address to be given a "WRDS Daypass." Alternatively, students and faculty may choose to register for an individual account.
Choose your Engineering Department to select databases most related to your engineering interest.
Technical Reports are issued or sponsored by government agencies, associations & societies, councils, foundations, laboratories, or academic institutions. The format provides rapid communication of new research results to the funder. The reports include detailed methodology and data in order to facilitate review of research results by others. Technical Reports are typically not peer reviewed, but generally are the result of another selection process (grant, contract, or institutional affiliation).
Follow this step-by-step procedure to connect Google Scholar to SJSU GetText within the university databases.
Go to Customizing Google Scholar (3 minute tutorial).
Set your preferences in Google Scholar.
MORE on Google - see the Advanced Google research guide.