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SJSU Digital Inclusion Hotspot Project

What does reliable internet access mean to you?

"Having access to wifi or the internet is having access to homework, books online, databases, peer-review articles, canvas, educational videos for school, finding jobs, internships, applying to scholarships, seeking help on finding books, or seeking help on homework. Wifi and/or internet access are much needed in the world of evolving technology. It is an important tool to have. "

"To me, it means saving time, having unlimited access to data and information, connecting with professionals around the globe, and sharing knowledge with each other. Having access to wifi and technology during the pandemic means being able to connect with family and friends living in another country."

"Having access to wifi and technology means I am less stressed about school. Especially if the resources around me are reliable I don't have to worry about having that barrier and can get my work done with ease. Also, it means having unlimited resources and access to contact friends, family, professors, and counselors a lot easier. I think having these resources accessible makes school, work, and social life a lot easier because our society revolves around technology."

Do you consider yourself Tech-Savvey?

"I would say I am and am not tech savvy at the same time. I definitely feel like I haven't had any issues so far navigating through websites and such that are needed in college so far, however I wouldn't say that I am very tech savvy because growing up, the schools I attended couldn't afford technology for students so we didn't use electronics much so I don't have a lot of experience in my opinion. I find that my peers and certain resources like this Hotspot Program here in college definitely helps me learn more skills about technology as well as certain social media."

How participants will apply what they learned in DIHP

"With a [library] database, you have the opportunity to find many options based on your topic, and not only that but they should also be trustable sources since they belong to the library database. "

"I did not know much about the Adobe Creative Cloud Express platform, but after watching and following the video, I found that there are many great templates and features to create flyers. Now I realize that most flyers are designed and created this way. Seeing that Creative Cloud Express is not limited to just flyers, templates like resumes, posters, worksheets, infographics, and other custom themes show me lots of possibilities to create and promote something unique."