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BIPOC Become Librarians! BBL Sample Libguide

This public guide is part of the BIPOC Become Librarians! mentorship program.

Using this Template [hide or delete]

This guide is designed to be a sample, or a template, for organizations who are running BBL programs.  You will want to customize our sample text to reflect your program. 

We have provided some sample text. Some sections will have content boxes with instructions; those boxes will be titled with "(delete or hide)" so they won't be seen when your guide goes public.  This box is an example of one you should delete!

Look for highlighted text which you will need to delete or change. 

Using this Page [hide or delete]

This page is designed to be a landing site for your libguide. It lists the project's mission, major participants, and individual team members. 

BIPOC Become Librarians

Welcome to the BIPOC Become Librarians Mentorship! This guide provides content for mentors and mentees, including important dates, program information, contact names and emails, and everything you need to be part of our program!

BBL Description

Our organizations are collaborating to establish BIPOC Become Librarians (BBL), a pilot mentorship and internship that introduced undergraduate students who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) to careers in Library and Information Science (LIS).

[You may wish to place logos of your collaborators, sponsors, and partners in this space]


The BBL Team

In this section, you'll find the members of the BBL team. Feel free to contact any of the members directly or use the group email at [group email address].



Content in this guide may be shared and modified under Creative Commons License CC BY-NC 4.0