This page is designed to provide an overview of your BBL project, a projected timeline, and important dates.
Welcome! BIPOC Become Librarians (BBL) is a three-phase project designed to showcase librarianship as a profession to undergraduate students.
Phase 1: Preparation. During this phase, BBL teams establish their working groups, participate in mandatory training, develop the program calendar, build their community, and design recruitment material for advisory board members, mentors, mentees, internship hosts, and general supporters.
Phase 2: Mentorship: Create your cohort! Students and mentors are matched so that mentees can explore the many career paths within the field and be guided by an experienced professional.
Phase 3: Internship. Mentors, the students, and the BBL team work together to place interested students in internship opportunities.
Sample Calendar
January - March
Recruit mentors and mentees.
Finalize and announce cohort.
Meet with Mentors.
Training session with Mentors.
Training session with Mentees.
Training session with full cohort.
Engagement emails
Ask Me Anything: Coffee or Zoom with a Librarian
BBL team recruits potential internship hosts.
BBL Kick-off meeting!
Mentor/mentee meetings begin.
Fall Semester
Meetings are held at least monthly, and mentees must participate in 8-10 meetings to complete the program.
Mentors have mentor meetings if requested.
Spring Semester
Internships for mentees can begin. Internships run for various lengths of time, depending on the sponsoring institution.
February - April
Field trip to university library.
Field trip to local archives.
Field trip to corporate library.
May 2024
Mentorship program concludes.
Finale Event for Certificates of Completion.
June-July 2024
Satisfaction surveys are sent to mentees, mentors, and internship hosts and collected.