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BIPOC Become Librarians! BBL Sample Libguide

This public guide is part of the BIPOC Become Librarians! mentorship program.


  1. In this module, mentors may use a short video (Zoom recording) or an email to cover the following topics:

    1. Introduce their current roles to mentees and how they arrived at this role. This can be done in the first synchronous meeting as well. 

    2. Discuss mentors meeting individually with mentees or as a pod. 

    3. Set a schedule for meeting assigned mentees.

    4. Mentees must attend at least eight meetings in order to receive their stipends. Mentors will track progress and submit to the BBL team at the end of the program. They may wish to use a progress document such as ____, but email or other format will also suffice. 

    5. Discuss goals of the mentorship.

    6. Discuss the possibility of internships. Mentors can work with mentees to choose internship opportunities, send applications (if needed), set work expectations with hosts, discuss how the internship is progressing, address concerns that may come up, and discuss lessons learned. 

    7. Mentors and mentees can reach out to any of the BBL team members or as a group through [email ] with any question at any stage of the mentorship-internship program.