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BIPOC Become Librarians! BBL Sample Libguide

This public guide is part of the BIPOC Become Librarians! mentorship program.

Different Roles in the Library

1. What types of jobs do you think are available in a public library? Would a university library have different types of jobs available?

Types of Jobs, by Library Type 

There are a number of roles and responsibilities in libraries beyond a librarian. Here are a few roles and main responsibilities that comprise library teams, depending on the type of library system.

Public Library Jobs

A variety of roles and qualifications create public library worker teams.

Academic Libraries

Libraries at colleges and universities support students, staff and faculty.

School Libraries

Librarians working in K-12 schools support students and teachers. 

Special Libraries

Special Libraries serve specialized interests and fields, such as hospitals, museums, law schools, government. Special libraries may also serve particular populations.

Overall Resources for Careers in Libraries

MLIS Skills at Work – Prepared by SJSU, this presentation provides a snapshot of job postings and needed skills, Spring 2023

Bibliography of Traditional and Web-based Library Career Resources – A website developed by the American Library Association with basic information for individuals curious about careers in libraries.  

INALJ – a website for information professionals and resources for those considering Library and LIS jobs.

Guide to Resources in Library and Information Science – Frequently used databases and job salary info for the Information & Library Science field.