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BIPOC Become Librarians! BBL Sample Libguide

This public guide is part of the BIPOC Become Librarians! mentorship program.

Programming and Outreach

1. Public libraries offer a lot of different programs to the public. Have you ever participated in one or seen one advertised?

2. University libraries also do outreach. Have you seen any types of advertising or outreach from your college library?

Community Engagement & Outreach

Bookmobiles & Book Bikes

In this section you will find resources about bookmobiles and book bikes. View resources »

Civic & Community Engagement

In this section you will find resources about building and increasing civic and community engagement in your community, and working more efficiently with community groups. View resources »

Libraries Transform

This section contains resources about the ALA Libraries Transform campaign. View resources »

Outreach Strategies

This section contains strategies (surveys, discussions, and more) to increase outreach in your community. View resources »

Universal Access

In this section you will find resources to improve universal access in your library and better provide for you community. View resources »
