Born to be gay : a history of homosexuality
-- Before Sodom and Gomorrah (pre-1300 BCE) -- The birth of homophobia (1300-100 BCE) -- Classical civilisations and the birth of Christianity (100-600 CE) -- Closing minds (600 CE-1550) -- Spreading Christian 'values' (1550-1800) -- Colonising minds (1800-2000).
The gay and lesbian movement : references and resources 1996
Out of the past : gay and lesbian history from 1869 to the present 1995
The rise of a gay and lesbian movement 1995
-- Origins of a homosexual people -- Early movements and aspirations -- The Holocaust -- The homophiles start over -- Gay liberation and lesbian feminism -- The rise of the new right -- Civil rights and electoral politics -- Queer politics -- Coming out arouond the world.
Before Stonewall : activists for gay and lesbian rights in historical context 2002
Wide-open town : a history of queer San Francisco to 1965 2003 Ebook
-- Introduction: San Francisco was a wide-open town
-- History/ José Sarria
-- Transgender and gay male cultures from the 1890s through the 1960s
-- Oral history/ Reba Hudson
-- Lesbian space, lesbian territory: San Francisco's North Beach district, 1933-1954
-- Oral history/ Joe Baron
-- Policing queers in the 1940s and 1950s: harassment, prosecution, and the legal defense of gay bars
-- Oral history/ Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon
-- 4. A queer ladder of social mobility : San Francisco's homophile movements, 1953-1960
-- Oral history/ George Mendenhall
-- Queer cooperation and resistance: a gay and lesbian movement comes together in the 1960s
-- Conclusion : marketing a queer San Francisco
From closet to community : a quest for gay & lesbian liberation in San José & Santa Clara County 2002
Ted Sahl archives: a collection of San Jose gay and lesbian history 1964-2010
Ted Sahl is an award winning photographer in San Jose, California. Sahl has spent the last 30 years as a photojournalist, documenting social and political events in the Bay Area. Although best known for his involvement with the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community (GLBT), he also covered the anti-nuclear demonstrations at the Lawrence Livermore radiation laboratory, and the farm labor strikes that occurred during the 1970's.
Sahl's long time association with the GLBT community began in 1978 after a bitter dispute took place between the gay community and members of the Christian right. Local Christian groups were upset over the San Jose city council's decision to issue a proclamation in support of Gay Pride Week. While the Christian groups mobilized against the city council, the gay community held a rally in support of Gay Pride Week. Intrigued by the grassroots activism and interested in recording the event, Sahl attended the protest and thereby launched a life long career documenting the GLBT community. Initially, the GLBT community distrusted Sahl's motives as a heterosexual outsider. At that time, many individuals in the gay community were still closeted and did not wish to be photographed. Over the next three decades however, Sahl gained the trust of the GLBT community and today is widely recognized for his work as a photojournalist and as an outspoken advocate for gay rights.
Sahl served as the staff photographer for a number of local GLBT newspapers including the Lambda News, South Bay Times, Our Paper and Valley Views. His photographs have appeared in a number of works, including a 1999 San Jose Mercury News documentary on the city's lesbian and gay community, entitled A Community of One. In 1981, the San Francisco Cable Car Award Association nominated Sahl for an award in photojournalism. He was also the recipient of an honorable mention in Advocate magazine's national photo contest in The People category and has the distinction of being the only heterosexual to ever become the president of the board of the San Jose Gay Pride celebration committee.
Summary: This collection documents the career of photojournalist Ted Sahl, who spent the majority of his career documenting social and political events in the Bay Area through photography. The bulk of this collection documents his photographic work with the gay and lesbian community in San Jose and the Bay Area from 1976-2001. The collection contains approximately 6,000 photographic images of the GLBT community. The collection also includes working drafts of Sahl's book, From Closet to Community: A Quest for Gay and Lesbian Liberation in San Jose & Santa Clara County (2002), personal papers, oral histories, a brief selection of Sahl's published and unpublished essays, and materials from the San Jose Gay Pride Committee In addition, the collection contains political materials and memorabilia from the San Jose gay community such as local gay and lesbian newsletters and papers, newspaper clippings, political buttons, programs, flyers, bulletins, and magazines.
Finding Aids: Finding aid available in San Jose State University Library Special Collections & Archives and from the Online Archives of California.