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ART 100W

Art 100W - art writing

Format Skeleton

The elements listed below make up the general skeleton of your paper. For full information on Chicago Style citation see this page:

Purdue U. Online Writing Lab (OWL)

Font and Font Size
Times New Roman or Palatino. Most instructors will insist on 12 pt font.

Page Numbers
These must be arabic numbers (not roman numerals) on the top right hand corner of the page, starting from the first page of the text. 

Title Page
Depending on your professor's preferences, you must make sure you have either a title page or the title on the first page of your paper.

Main Body 
For rules on formatting block quotes, headings etc., refer to this page on the Purdue OWL. 

Numbered footnotes that correspond to the superscript numbers after each citation will be placed at the bottom of the pages of the main body of your paper. Each footnote is single-spaced and indented from the left margin. If you cite the same source more than once in one page, each subsequent footnote may contain the shortened version of the citation along with the page number. Make sure to compare your formatting with the sample paper on the Purdue OWL (link at the top of this box). 

The entries will be in alphabetical order, single-spaced. But between each entry you will need an extra line space. 

Bibliography Examples

These are some examples of entries that will go in a list at the end of your paper, under the Bibliography section. 

In your Bibliography, each entry will be single-spaced, but there will be an extra line space between each entry. Also, if your entry takes up more than one line, make sure to indent each line after the first. 


Lastname, Firstname. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.

Russell, Charles. Self-Taught Art: The Culture and Aesthetics of American Vernacular Art. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001. 

Book with Multiple Authors

Lastname, Firstname and Firstname Lastname. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication.

Visit the Purdue OWL site for more information on different kinds of books, like a book with an editor or an unknown author. Look on this page as well, which will give you more helpful information. 

Electronic Journal Article

Lastname, Firstname. "Title of Article." Publication Volume, no. IssueNumber (Month Year): PageNumber-PageNumber. Accessed Month Day, Year. doi: numbergoeshere. 

Kim, Youngna. "Korea's Search for a Place in Global Art History.” Art Bulletin 98, no. 1 (March 2016): 7-13. Accessed July 5, 2016. doi: 10.1080/00043079.2015.1074842.

Keep in mind that the date of access is not necessary for most formal papers cited in Chicago Style. But it is not wrong if it is included. Also, make sure to include the link if the article does not have a doi number. 

For examples on how to cite print journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals, visit the corresponding Purdue Owl page here (on citing periodicals) and here (on citing online sources like websites and blogs). 

Footnotes Examples

And now our favorite part... footnotes! Sometimes it might seem like the citation formatting is going to take longer than actually writing your paper! So be sure to get started ahead of time or to try doing the citations as you go. 

Here are some examples of what footnotes will look like. Each of these will correspond to the same sources used above for the Bibliography. Keep visiting those Purdue OWL sites because you will be able to find more information on formatting and different types of sources. 


   1. Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of  publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.

      1. Charles Russell, Self-Taught Art: The Culture and Aesthetics of American Vernacular Art (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2001), 59.

Book with Multiple Authors

   2. Alexander Klar, Sarah Maske and Stefan Fricke, Fluxus at 50 (Manchester: Kerber, 2012), 91-92.

Electronic Journal Article

      3. Youngna Kim, “Korea's Search for a Place in Art History,” Art Bulletin 98, no. 1 (2016): 7-13, doi: 10.1080/00043079.2015.1074842. 

In-Text Citations

There are no in-text citations other than the footnote numbers that are in superscript right after the quote or the paraphrased sentence. Of course, the numbers in superscript should correspond to the footnote number at the bottom of the page. Take a look at this great example of a sample paper done by the Purdue OWL