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King Library LEED certification

This research guide describes the green features of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, as defined by the LEED certification for the Operations & Maintenance for existing buildings, and focuses on the interconnections of buildings, community and self.

LEED Credit: Materials & Resources

LEED O&M: Existing Building: Materials & Resources 

LEED Credit Library

Remember the 3 E's of Sustainability: (Social) Equity, Environment, Economics!

Online Resources

Using the library's homepage, create a list of resources:   

Who can use the resources?

How can they access the resources?

Find one resource.  Is it sustainable?  

Library Materials

Mel Chin's permanent art exhibit,


Recolecciones: The King Library Public Art Collections

Image result for sjsu library interior

What types of materials do you see used in the art work?

Are any of the materials made from reused or recycled objects?

Could any of the art pieces be recycled or reused? 

Find videos about the  library on the Sustainable Sites tab

After watching them, what other types of materials do you see in the library?