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Advanced Google

Created by Anamika Megwalu & Mansi Warde (Student)

Search Filters

Safe search allows you to block inappropriate or explicit images from Google Search results.

To enable safe search go to Settings → Turn on Safe Search.
Alternatively, if the option is not available; go to Settings → Search Settings and click on the checkbox beside Turn on SafeSearch.



Not all Google images are free to use! However, you can at least use built-in search filters to find free-to-use images. The usage rights filter shows images labeled with the GNU Free Documentation license. To avoid any copyright infringement, it is recommended that you contact and get written permission from the owner of the image.

There are three types of usage rights you can select from:

  1. Free to use and share: Allows you to copy or redistribute its content if the content remains unchanged.
  2. Free to use, share, or modify: Allows you to copy, modify, or redistribute in ways specified in the license.
  3. Commercially – If you want content for commercial use, be sure to select an option that includes the word “commercially.
    Note To access these options go to Tools→ Usage Rights,

To refine your image search by size, color, type and time; click on Tools to make these filters available.


You can search videos posted by various sources at It gives you the option to limit your search for videos by duration, quality, source, domain, posting date, language, and subtitles, and safe search (excludes explicit materials).

You can use an image on to search for similar images, sites that include the image, similar images in different sizes, and texts relevant to the image.

The camera icon will allow you to do a reverse image search in two ways mentioned below.

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  1. Paste image URL/ Drag and drop an image file
    1. Right-click on an image on the web and copy the image’s URL.
    2. Return to the search box and paste the URL (Ctrl+V or Command+V).
      OR drag and drop any image from the web or from your desktop into the search box.
  2. Upload image file

Screenshot (42)

  1. Click on browse and upload an image from your computer.
  2. Google will automatically search using the image.