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Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activity (RSCA) Impact

Use Author Identifier to Get Credit for Your Work

Author identifiers disambiguate authors with the same or similar name. Because they persist even if you change your name, switch fields, or relocate, having an author identifier ensures that your work is discovered and attributed to you. An identifier will simplify updating your CV or preparing an annual report because it streamlines the process of compiling a bibliography of your work. Searchable author identifier registries contain researcher profiles and lists of citations.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

Find & Connect with Like-Minded Researchers

Enhance Discoverability & Dissemination

SJSU Scholarworks

Digital repository of the research, scholarship, and creative works of San José State University faculty, students, and staff. The repository increases the global visibility of our campus community's intellectual output. Please email us with questions, comments, or suggestions.


Communicate Your Research Online

There are a variety of online places you can share your work to increase and track its visibility. Here are some to get you started:

Twitter: Share links and short messages, keep up with conferences and meetings, and connect with potential collaborators. Tweets can be tracked for altmetric purposes.

figshare: A cloud based repository that "allows users to upload any file format to be made visualisable in the browser so that figures, datasets, media, papers, posters, presentations and filesets can be disseminated."

WordPress: Create a free blog or website with the popular platform.