CDE-Visual and Performing Arts: Information that represents students, skill, knowledge, and abilities in dance, music, theatre, and the visual arts that all students should be able to master from pre-K to grade 12.
Update 10/3/2019
The California Department of Education (CDE) is developing the California Arts Framework for Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (Arts Framework) to incorporate and support the California Arts Standards for Public Schools, Prekindergarten Through Grade Twelve, which were adopted by the SBE in January 2019. This draft Arts Framework is now posted at the following CDE website:
Development of a new Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Curriculum Framework is progressing. The 20-member VAPA Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee will continue its work through August 2019. Two additional 60-day public comment periods will occurOctober–November 2019 and February–March 2020. The SBE will take action on the draft Framework in May 2020. Subsequently, the SBE and CDE will conduct an instructional materials adoption throughout 2021.
Schedule of Significant Events: The schedule of significant events for the revision of the VAPA framework was approved by the SBE on July 11, 2018