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Canvas Version: Plagiarism Tutorial

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Photo of ML KingWhen you quote someone's exact words in your paper, put their words in quotation marks and tell your reader who said or wrote the words by citing the author.

Here are two examples of how to do this:

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools" (King, 1964).


As Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. said, "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools" (1964).

The information in parentheses is called an in-text citationThe citation shows that this quote is from Dr. King and he said these words in 1964.

You will have these short citations within the body of your paper then more complete citations in a list at the end of your paper in your "References" or "Works Cited" page.

The citation method we're using here is called APA. Other common citation methods are MLA and Chicago. (We'll be discussing citation methods some more later in the tutorial.)

Quote from Dr. Martin L. King, Jr., speech at St Louis, 22 March 1964, in St Louis Post-Dispatch 23 March 1964. Photo from,_Jr..jpg