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BUS3 189: Strategic Management

Resources and search strategies for BUS3 189 class.

Company Analysis

Elements you can consider when analyzing your company:

Information Try these databases:
Company History (organizational, strategic, and financial)

Business Source Complete (Company Profiles)
Company website (About Us; Investor Relations)
Mergent Online

Financial Information

Mergent Online (Company Financials)
PrivCo* (Private companies only)
eCommerceDB (Company Reports)

Stakeholder Analysis Various
PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal)

Business Source Complete (Country Report)
Statista (Country Report)
eCommerceDB (Country Report)

VRIO (Value, Rarity, Imitability, Organization) Various
SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)

Business Source Complete (Company Profiles)
Gale Business: Insights
Company's current 10-K report (online)

(Sections of Form 10-K that may be particularly useful for SWOT analyses include: Item 1. Business; Item 1A. Risk; and Item 7. Management Discussion)

Resources used in your paper should be properly cited, and you will present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation to the class.

Click each database name in the menu to the left to find videos on effective search strategies. You'll find links to additional resources and research guidance under "More Databases & Help."

*PrivCo is a San Jose Public Library (SJPL) database and requires an SJPL library card to use. To get a card, go to: