CSU Northridge's Oviatt Library has published their Library Assessment Plan on their website, along with their outcomes for information competence, collections, and services.
CSU Stanislaus' Library links to their 2010 Library Instruction Program Assessment Plan.
CSU Fresno's Madden Library links to their 2013/14 Assessment Report that is divided into four categories: Information Literacy, Library Instruction, Library Services and Library Resources. Go to: https://libguides.csufresno.edu/aecontent.php?pid=412512&sid=5208627 to read the report.
CSU Monterey Bay conducted a campus-wide assessment of information literacy and critical thinking, using AAC&U's VALUE rubrics to score 245 samples of student work from 49 classes across the curriculum. This faculty-driven assessment was designed to establish baseline measurements for longitudinal assessment, generate ideas and momentum to improve teaching and learning in these areas, and meet CSUMB’s accreditation requirements.
Dahlen, S. & Baker, P. (in press). Assessing Information Literacy and Critical Thinking across the Curriculum. Paper presented at the Library Assessment Conference, Seattle, WA, proceedings forthcoming.
CSU Stanislaus' Library Instruction Program has conducted annual assessment, and their reports include approaches such as surveying faculty on whether students were meeting research outcomes, examining the effectiveness of an information literacy tutorial with student pre- and post-tests, and employing a rubric to score student work.
CSU Northridge's Oviatt Library has conducted information competence assessment, including using rubrics to evaluate authentic student work, using pre- and post-tests to measure learning in freshman seminar, and surveying students' information literacy skills.
San Jose State University has completed an Information Literacy assessment to 100w classes in Spring 2014. 100w classes are mandatory junior level writing classes. The purpose of this assessment is to fulfill WASC requirement under Standard 2.2 for 5 core competencies (Critical Thinking, Oral Communication, Written Communication, Information Literacy, Quantitative and Qualitative Reasoning). Information Literacy is considered as highly developed at SJSU among the five. There were 632 students completed the survey, which is available here or in the bottom box. Results of the assessment is available here.
CSU Fresno State University Madden Library published a report on our 2013 SAILS deployment. The report summarizes what we learned as well as changes that will be made to the 2014/15 deployment of SAILS. Go to: https://libguides.csufresno.edu/aecontent.php?pid=412512&sid=5208627 and click on SAILS 2013 Report. In addition, two information literacy assessments of Anthropology 30 and Economics 50 were deployed by individual librarians. Please go to:https://libguides.csufresno.edu/aecontent.php?pid=412512&sid=5208627, Individual Reports and click on Hiromi Kubo - Information Literacy Outcomes Assessed in Econ 50 or Vang Vang - Anthropology 30: Critical Thinking in Anthropology.
Sonoma State University conducted a qualitative performance assessment of first year composition students’ information literacy skills. Librarians developed their own rubric and performance standards, and scored students’ annotated bibliographies from Spring 2012 – Spring 2014 (three years in a row). Reports on the first two years of the assessment are located on the Instruction Program website.
CSU Channel Islands' librarians have published a couple of papers on their assessments of information literacy. The first outlines their attempt to authentically assess the information literacy levels of first-year and third-year students, their partnership with faculty from CI’s writing and rhetoric program in receiving a grant for this endeavor, the creation of a rubric and specialized assignment to facilitate the assessment process and the initial assessment data that came from the three-year grant period.
Hoffmann, D. & LaBonte, K. (2012). Meeting information literacy outcomes: partnering with faculty to create effective information literacy assessment. Journal of Information Literacy 6(2), 70-85. https://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL/article/view/LLC-V6-I2-2012-1
Their second paper focuses on the need for libraries to expand their notion of information literacy assessment, since information learning does not take place solely in the library domain. It will illustrate the need for libraries to address the difference between evaluation and assessment, since many library “assessment” models continue to disregard key parts of the assessment process.
Hoffmann, D. & Wallace, A. (2008). Information competence assessment using first year and upper division writing samples. In S. Hiller, K. Justh, M. Kyrillidou & J. Self (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2008 Library Assessment Conference. Paper presented at the 2008 Library Assessment Conference, Seattle, WA, 4-7 August (pp.473-484). Association of Research Libraries.
CSU Northridge's Oviatt Library describes various assessments of library collections using LibQUAL, a customer satisfaction survey designed by the Quality Improvement Program at the Chancellor's Office, and a student survey addressing satisfaction with the availability and currency of the collection.
The CSU Stanislaus Library shares its results from faculty and student surveys on library collections and services.
CSU San Marcos conducted a multi-year space usage study, about which there is an article forthcoming. They used mobile technologies and observation to track the usage of library space, which accurately captured detailed information about user behavior. For more information on this project, contact Sue Thompson at sthompsn [at] csum.edu.
Sonoma State University is currently conducting an assessment of space and facility use, with data collection continuing through Spring 2015 semester. Librarians and staff are collecting data about how people use spaces and equipment in defined areas throughout the building. The collection process is facilitated through Suma, an open-source software developed by NCSU. The software was customized with parameters for our study developed by the Web Services Librarian, Instruction Librarian, and Public Services Librarian. Results will be analyzed in the summer and hopefully published soon afterward.