You can begin using the King Library and its resources as soon as you receive your student ID and create your SJSUOne password. This is what you will use to sign in to the library's ebooks and databases.
We also highly recommend that you create the accounts listed in the tabs above. These will help you with your research and let you get the most out of the library's resources.
Photo by James W. Murray,
Paperpile and Zotero are two citation managers that are highly effective when it comes to organizing your references. You can view more information on how to download and use both of these in the library's guide listed below.
Try both citation managers to see which one works best for you!
Note: While citation managers are great for generating references, make sure to double-check them! The information they use to generate citations can sometimes be incomplete or in the wrong format.
Online students can use Interlibrary Loan to get books* and articles from the King Library and other libraries around the world. Click on the link below and log in into your Interlibrary Loan account with your SJSUOne ID and password:
When you're completing your user profile, it's very important to fill in the following fields this way:
*SJSU will mail books to you for free but you are responsible for mailing them back. If you would like to avoid this small charge, see if your local public library offers an Interlibrary Loan service. You may be able to request and return a book for no cost.
Google Scholar lets you look across all of the scholarly content online--including the library's databases--with a single search, but first you have to set your preferences to San Jose State. You can do this by following the directions below.
Now when you do a Google Scholar search, you will see the FindIt@SJSU link to the right of the article title. Clicking the FindIt@SJSU link takes you from Google Scholar directly into the King Library databases and to the full text of the article.
You will see Get It@SJSU under the double-arrow icon. "Get It" may also take you to the full text. Books and articles not available at the King Library can be requested through Interlibrary Loan.
The library also has a Google Scholar tab in its main search box, and this search provides direct links from Google Scholar to the full text of articles in the library databases.
Note: You'll notice WorldCat is a default search for Google Scholar. WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of over 70,000 libraries in almost 200 countries. By keeping it among your Google Scholar results, you'll be able to see some titles that would otherwise not pop up. The King Library may not own them, but they can always be ordered through Interlibrary Loan.
To access the SJSU databases off campus, you must have a University ID number and a Library PIN number. The Library PIN number is one that you assign yourself. To set up your PIN, please go to the library's homepage: and then click on Library Account (top right on the home page) Fill in your name, your SJSU account number and set up your PIN.
Forgot your PIN number? On the Library Account page there is a link that will send you a new PIN number.
Two core databases in education, ERIC and PsycInfo have thesauri that identify the vocabulary used in Education and Psychology. These are excellent resources to review definitions of terms and discover related terminology.
Research Starters: Education is a good source to get background information on a topic, important people in the specific area, top scholarly articles on the subject and often a glossary of terms used in the specific area of study.
Google Scholar