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Accounting & Finance

This guide will help you with your accounting and finance research.

Start With These Databases

Tax Notes Online - MS Taxation Students

For MS Taxation students needing access to Tax Notes Online.

Please follow these steps:

For the initial sign-in, you need clear your browser cookies and be within University’s IP range.

1) Please go to, and click SIGN IN at the top right.

2) In the Email Address field, please enter your University e-mail address. Click Next.

3) On the next screen, please click on the blue “Register Here” link under "New San Jose State University User?"

New San Jose State University User? Register Here

4) You’ll be taken to a Profile page. Enter your name and e-mail address.

5) Choose a password and enter it.

6) When you’ve finished the Profile, click SAVE CHANGES.

7) You’ll go to the Tax Notes webpage, where you can sign in with your username (your University e-mail address) and the password you chose.

8) Once complete, you will not have to go through this process again to access

Other Useful Databases

Bloomberg Terminals

Bloomberg is the leading provider of global market data, and Bloomberg terminals provide news, quotes, analysis, and charts on virtually anything traded in the world. Terminals are available in the Lucas College Computer Lab, which is located in BBC 301.

Research Tools