This database contains monographs, major reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, detailed author profiles and more. Indexing and abstracts for scholarly business journals back as far as 1886 are included.
Detailed information for 20,000 stores in 50 countries, including detailed revenue analytics, competitor analysis, market development, marketing budget, and interesting KPIs, such as traffic, shipping providers, payment options, social media activity and many more. Note: After the database opens, log in by clicking the Log In button in the database's upper right menu. This will authenticate you.
Provides access to over 1 million statistics for these topics: industries; consumer goods; internet; media & advertising; retail & trade; sports & recreation; technology & telecommunications; transportation & logistics; and travel, tourism & hospitality. Also available are government statistics, such as unemployment rates, births, and deaths. For business research, outlook reports, market research reports, country reports, dossiers, surveys, and industry reports are available.
U.S. company data covering approximately 10,000 public companies and their SEC filings. Includes: U.S. Annual Reports: Easy-to-access current and historical annual reports; International company data. Online version of: Mergent industrial manual, Mergent international manual, Mergent bank & finance manual, Mergent OTC industrial manual, Mergent OTC unlisted manual, and Mergent public utility & transportation manual.
Thousands of global company, country and business topic overviews featuring detailed information as well as interactive rankings and statistics, with quick links to associated content. Global Histories, SWOT Reports, Thomson Reuters Company Financials and Investment Reports, Market Share Reports, and Industry Research Essays. Full-text articles from academic journals, business periodicals, newswires and other media outlets, 200 business executive video interviews and lessons for deeper insight into issues and decision-making. Thousands of interactive LiveCharts for economic and business indicators that let researchers generate their own analyses and custom charts for reports and presentations.
This is an SJPL database, login with San Jose Library Card 14-digit barcode. It is good beyond graduation. Make sure to keep your library card active.
The premier directory of business and residential information. Access information on over 24 million businesses. Great for job/sales leads, market & consumer research. Searches can be customized with many filters down to a street block, ethnic groups, etc.