Area Learning Outcomes for General Education (Use this link to learn more about the learning outcomes)
A1. Oral Communication
A2. Written Communication
A3. Critical Thinking and Writing
B1., B2., and B3., Biological and Physical Science + Laboratory
B4. Mathematical Concepts
C1. Arts
C2. Letters
D. Social Sciences
E. Human Understanding and Development
F. Ethnic Studies
US1. American Institutions - US History
US2. American Institutions - US Constitution and California Government
US3. American Institutions - California Government
R. Earth and Environment
S. Self, Society and Equality in the US
V. Culture, Civilization & Global Understanding
Z. Written Communication II
1.Social and Global Responsibilities.
2.Specialized Knowledge.
3. Intellectual Skills.
4.Integrative Knowledge and Skills.
5. Applied Knowledge.
SJSU's General Education Program has three goals:
To develop students’ core competencies for academic, personal, and professional pursuits. Goal 1 has five learning outcomes (PLOs 1-5).
To enact the university’s commitment to diversity, inclusion, and justice, by ensuring that students have the knowledge and skills to serve and contribute to the well-being of local and global communities and the environment. Goal 2 has two learning outcomes (PLOs 6 and 7).
To offer students integrated, multidisciplinary, and innovative study in which they pose challenging questions, address complex issues, and develop cooperative and creative responses. Goal 3 has two learning outcomes (PLOs 8 and 9).
Here are small sub-set of learning objectives to consider for your curriculum and student needs.
Find additional graduate learning outcomes: (the list below identifies other LO's to consider)