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GLST 1B: Introduction to Global Studies

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Specific Problem? Contact Us!

Library Account Questions
Email for help with your library account or chat with someone live (during open hours).

Off-Campus Access Technical Support
Contact Student Computing Services for help troubleshooting your remote access to the SJSU library.

Borrowing Items Not Owned by SJSU (CSU+ and Interlibrary Loan)
Contact Interlibrary Services for help with CSU+ or ILLiad accounts and requests.

Course Reserves Access
E-mail for help or questions about course reserves. Remember that electronic reserves are in Canvas.

Citation Managers (Zotero, Paperpile, etc.)
Email your librarian.

Accounts to Set Up

Accounts automatically created for you:
These account are automatically created for you. Just sign in with your Student ID Number and password (same as you would use for My SJSU).

  • OneSearch
  • Off-Campus Access
  • CSU+ (to borrow materials from other CSU campuses)
  • Interlibrary Loan Services (ILLiad). Why? To borrow materials and get articles not available at SJSU

Accounts to create or change:

  • Customize Google Scholar
    • Why? To see if articles are available through SJSU when using Google Scholar
    • Video: Customizing Google Scholar
    • Highly recommended

Need to access the article you found? Try the Proxy Bookmarklet!

What is a Proxy Bookmarklet?

This tool helps you convert a licensed resource URL into a SJSU Library-proxied URL. It will let you open subscription-content off-campus without starting at the SJSU Library website first. The bookmarklet can be useful for bookmarking URL's on a device you use off-campus as well as on-campus, or if you want to share an article with a colleague or student.

How does it work?

Most online journal articles require subscriptions to get access. If SJSU Library subscribes to the journal in question, this tool will help you access the article off-site without first looking it up on the library website.

Simply drag the “Reload via SJSU Library Proxy Bookmarklet” button to your bookmarks toolbar in your browser (or right-click to save it to your favorites toolbar).

Now, when you're on a website that you'd like to redirect through the Library's proxy server, clicking this button will automatically reload the page.