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King Library's Sustainable Features

Learn about the important sustainable features of the King Library


Did You know Natural daylight not only lifts up your mood and enhances productivity but also provides vitamin D. Exposure to the day light also improves our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. King Library has many sources of natural light, including many windows as well as the Koret Atrium, an Atrium that's like a sunroof in the middle of the library!

What about artificial lights?

MLK library uses lights with reduced mercury!!

Fluorescent bulbs contain mostly mercury vapor but can contain small amounts of liquid mercury. The nervous system and kidneys are sensitive to mercury exposure. Mercury can also harm unborn children. The health effects of mercury depend upon exposure route, duration, and level of exposure.

Also, motion sensors are used in the library stacks lighting system to save more electricity

Learn more about library's lights

Do you prefer to study with natural or artificial lighting?
Natural ☀️: 23 votes (92%)
Artificial 💡: 2 votes (8%)
Total Votes: 25