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BIPOC Become Librarians! BBL Sample Libguide

This public guide is part of the BIPOC Become Librarians! mentorship program.


The BBL program encourages mentees who are interested to complete internships related to the library field. Watch this space for opportunities!

If you see an internship that looks interesting, we recommend that you click on the link to learn more about it, then contact your mentor about applying for it.  Thank you!

FAQ for BBL mentees:

Q:  Do I have to do an internship?

A: We encourage mentees who are interested in building skillsets and experience in this field to participate in our internship program, but by all means, it is not required. 

Q: I have a really complicated schedule and don't know how much time I have for an internship. Can I still do one?

A: We encourage you to talk to your mentor about your goals for an internship, but, short answer -- absolutely! Many of our internships are tailored to your specific interests and availability. BBL does not require a minimum number of hours or days in order to complete our program.

Q: Are internships paid?

A: The BBL team encourages internship hosts to offer paid positions, but not all are able to. Volunteering can be a great way to gain experience, so we suggest you talk with your mentor about how a volunteer role might be useful for your professional and personal goals.

Q: Are internships in-person, remote, or hybrid?

A: This depends on the internship host. Some will be flexible with their modalities. 

Opportunities associated with BIPOC Become Librarians project

Additional internship opportunities