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LibGuides How-To Guide

Best practices for creating and maintaining LibGuides

Integrate Your Guide in a Canvas Course

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) is a courseware integration that allows you to integrate your LibGuides and Springshare content inside tools like Canvas, Blackboard etc. This allows students to access your subject-specific and course guides directly from their Canvas courses.

Step One: The following custom metadata needs to be added to your guide: 

Go to the Settings gear on the top right > click "Guide Metadata" > Navigate to the "Custom Metadata" tab:

Guide Metadata Settings

Name = lit_sjsu

Value = your-custom-value

Step Two: Tell your faculty to choose 1 of 2 options:

Option 1: Choose any library subject guide and embed it in a module.
You can select an entire guide, just a page, or only a single box. When students click on the link, the resource will open within Canvas.


Option 2: Add a link to the course's left-hand navigation called Your Research Resources.
On this page, students will find links to pre-selected guides that are best for your subject area as well as widgets that allow them to book a study room, check library hours, and access the library's chat service and FAQs. When students click on a guide, it will open within Canvas.

Sample Email to Your Faculty about LTI Options

Please Note: You may want to change the first paragraph and link directly to your departments' specific guides.


Subject: Embed Library Tutorials and Subject Guides Directly into Your Canvas Course
There are two library tools that let you quickly and easily embed library subject guides directly into your Canvas course. You'll find librarian-curated guides to research for your department and sometimes for your specific class.

1. Library Subject Guides:

This option lets you choose from any library subject guide and embed it in a module. You can select an entire guide, just a page, or only a single box. When students click on the link, the resource will open within Canvas.


2. Your Research Resources:

This option adds a link to your course's left-hand navigation called Your Research Resources.

On this page, students will find links to pre-selected guides that are best for your subject area as well as widgets that allow them to book a study room, check library hours, and access the library's chat service and FAQs. When students click on a guide, it will open within Canvas.


Questions? Contact Ann Agee at or 408-808-2033.