NuFS 144 Food Culture - Consuming Passions
1. Obtain some background information on your food
Go to Gale Virtual Reference Library's Encyclopedia of Food and Culture for encyclopedic entries. Find background information on the history and culture that surrounds your chosen food using some of the materials from the Background Information tab.
2. Identify other words that might be used synonymously with your food
The same food can be called different things. Look for synonyms, based on the region and its history. If you're dealing with a living organism, particularly a fruit, herb, or vegetable, look for its scientific name. Corn is also known as maize in Mesoamerica. Its scientific name is Zea mays. Search for resources using these different search options.
3. Check the OneSearch catalog for any books on your food topic
Often, food topics are found in books because there's so much history associated with a food!
4. Check multidisciplinary and anthropological database for articles on your food
Look at the Helpful Databases tab to identify which resource to use.