ERIC is an excellent source for journal articles, conference papers, and other documents. If you would like your research added to this great database, consider submitting it to ERIC for review. This tutorial helps you submit your document.
Estimate the time you will need to complete your research with our Assignment Calculator.
Wake Forest University Library has a very easy to use tool for APA style.
The Online Writing Lab (OWL) developed at Purdue University has online resources for planning a paper, organizing the paper, grammar and format assistance, etc.
Plagiarism tutorial is an interactive tool to help students understand the concepts of acceptable citing versus plagiarized citing.
A very useful guide to using APA has been developed at Nova University.
The University of North Carolina has a good handout on developing and writing a Literature Review
SJSU King Library has an excellent LibGuide on Annotated Bibliography
The library does not keep a list of recommended proofreaders. However, visit Uloops for SJSU at for a list of people with their self-posted qualifications.
Also known as InCites Journal Citation Reports. InCites allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from approximately 12,000 scholarly and technical journals and conference proceedings from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries. Journal Citation Reports is the only source of citation data on journals, and includes virtually all specialties in the areas of science, technology, and social sciences.
Ulrich's™ is the authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information for 300,000+ periodicals (open access. peer reviewed, newsletters, etc). Includes active titles, suspended titles, ceased titles (from 1974), and forthcoming titles.