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Military History & Science

This Subject Guide provides links to a wide variety of websites and other resources relating to the study of military history.

Burdick Military History Project

The Burdick Military History Project maintains a study room and book collection on the SJSU campus for use by students and other researchers.  The center is located in Industrial Studies room 239.  For more information, please contact:

Professor Jonathan Roth

Office: Business Tower (BT) 561


Phone:  408-924-5505

Veterans Services Office, San Jose State University

The Veterans Services Office, as a part of the Office of the Registrar at SJSU, assists veterans with state and federal education benefit programs.  More information can be found on their website. 



SJSU Special Collections & Archives

SJSU Special Collections (5th floor) has a number of collections relating to both civilian and military aspects from the era of WWII.  Among them are the following:

War Poster Collection - containing propaganda war posters from the US and other nations.

Charles B. Burdick Military History Collection - containing the research files of this distinguished SJSU Professor and military historian.  the WWII portion of this collection contains publications form the German High Command, reports from other Allied and Axis governments, the legal proceedings from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East (war crimes trials), and a large quantity of other ephemera, maps, newspaper clippings, reports and scrapbooks.

-  Flahtery Collection: Japanese Internment Records -containing documents and photographs relating to the establishment and administrative workings of the War Relocation Authority, the Western Defense Command and the Wartime Civil Control Administration.

Willard E. Schmidt Collection - containing the papers of Willard Schmidt, the Chief of Internal Security for the War Relocation Authority and the Tule Lake Internment/Segregation Camp.  Tule Lake was set aside for handling the most "suspect" of Japanese-Americans, and this collection contains the administrative papers for the camp as well as a collection of photographs.

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Collection -  The CCC was established by Franklin Roosevelt as a worrk relief program during the Great Depression.  Young men, 18 to 24 years of age, were engaged to work on the management of natural resources in National Parks and on other public lands.  They constructed roads, built trails, planted trees, and in the meantime earned a wage and contributed to the environmental health of the nation.  This collection contains documentation on this program, particularly from the period 1939 to 1945.


The following organizations are primarily for collectors of militaria, but also can be a source of information for identifying uniforms, insignia, equipment, and other objects which may be in a researcher's possession or appear in photographs.