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OneSearch for Online Students & Faculty

Searching in OneSearch

Getting Articles

When looking for articles in OneSearch and clicking on a search result, there are a few different scenarios you may encounter:

1) For many articles, you will see one or more links with the names of databases under "Full text availability." Click on any of these to access the article through the specific database listed. You will also sometimes see the options "Get PDF" and "Read Online." Click on either of these to access the article directly.

Options in OneSearch for article full text availability through databases and direct access to article

2) You will sometime see "Request a digital copy, Delivery estimated in 24 hours by email." This means that the library does not have the article. However, by clicking on the "Request it" box, we can get the article from another library and have it emailed to you as a PDF.

Option to request an article that the library will get for you from another library

If you see the above option AND you also see a link under "Full text availability," always use the full text link to access the article.

3) You will occasionally see "Request a digital copy, From another library, Terms to be supplied." Due to a technical error, clicking on the "Request box" here will lead to a canceled request. Please follow the instructions below to request the article through Interlibrary Loan.

"Request it" option that will lead to a canceled request.

4) If the record of an article does not show up at all in OneSearch, submit a request through Interlibrary Loan (see below).

Making an Interlibrary Loan Request

Online students and faculty can use Interlibrary Loan to get articles not available through the King Library. This is a free service, and the articles will be sent to your Interlibrary Loan accounts as PDFs. You will receive an email notifying you when they are ready. Interlibrary Loan can also be used for physical books; please click here for more information.

To use Interlibrary Loan, please first set up your account by following steps below:

1.  Log in using your SJSUOne ID and password.

2.  Complete your user profile. IMPORTANT: If you are in an SJSU online program, fill in the following fields this way:

  • Status (choose one of the following): SJSU Distance Graduate Student, SJSU Distance Undergraduate, SJSU Faculty
  • Library: SJSU/King Library
  • Preferred Loan Delivery Method: Mail to Address (this is for physical books; it will not affect articles, book chapters, conference papers, or theses as those will be sent to you online as PDFs

Requesting the Article

1. In your Interlibrary Loan account, click on "New Requests" and select "Article."

Article request in Interlibrary Loan

2. On the next page, fill in the information required in the fields marked with a red asterisk (*). 

3. Click on "Submit Request."

4. The article will be sent as a PDF usually within 1 to 3 days. After you receive an email saying it is ready, you can access it in your Interlibrary Loan Account under "Electronically Received Articles." Click on "View" and the PDF will open.

Opening an electronically received article in Interlibrary Loan account.