Digital Public Library of America's Black Women's Suffrage Digital Collection
Dr. Mabel Ping-Hua Lee: How Chinese-American Women Helped Shape the Suffrage Movement
Maria Guadalupe Evangelina de Lopez Lowther
Biographical Database of Black Women Suffragists
Not All Women Gained the Vote in 1920
African American Woman Leaders in the Suffrage Movement
The International History of the U.S. Suffrage Movement
Celebrate Women's Suffrage, but Don't Whitewash the Movement's Racism
Chronology from the International Museum of Women Records, SJSU Special Collections and Archives.
Chart from the National Women's History Project.
Chart from the National Women's History Project.
Illustration shows a woman holding a flag labeled "Woman Suffrage" standing behind an angry hag labeled "Militant Lawlessness" with a Medusa-like face, wide-eyed and open mouth, rushing toward the viewer, carrying a bomb and a torch with smoke labeled "Arson". The Feminine of Jekyll and Hyde, by Keppler.