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Public Administration

Public Administration

Welcome to the SJSU King Library subject guide for Public Administration. Please use the tabs on the left hand menu to find quality resources in Public Administration. If you have any questions or comments about this guide please let me know.

Lauren DeCelle

Other Resources


Citation managers such as Zotero and Paperpile are programs that allow the users to collect, organize, and cite sources. They also allow for collaboration and some provide the ability to store and annotate PDFs within the system.

Why should you use a citation manager?

  • Organize sources using folders, tags, and even group libraries for collaboration with people across the world. 

  • Many have browser extensions or integration with library software to make it easy to collect items when you research so you don't forget about the paper you saw 10 pages ago. 

  • Many integrate with Google Docs and/or Microsoft Word to make it easy to cite sources while writing. 

Getting Started

Image of the Zotero logo, the word zotero in black text with a red z.

Zotero is a free, open source citation manager with a desktop app, browser extension, and integration with Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and LibreOffice.

Installing Zotero is simple- just 3 easy steps! 

1. Download Zotero. Go to and click on the red Download button. From the download page, download the desktop app and the browser extension, Zotero Connector. 

A screenshot of the Downloads page of, highlighting the download buttons for the desktop app and the browser extension, as well as the register link in the upper right hand corner of the page.

2. Register for an account. Click on the register link in the upper right hand corner of the download page. Fill out the form to create your account. 

A screenshot of the account registration page of

3. Log in to Zotero. Once the Zotero desktop app downloads, find and open Preferences (Mac users: Zotero menu, PC users: Edit menu). Click over to the Sync tab and enter your username and password. Now you're set to use Zotero! 

Screenshot of the Preferences menu of the Zotero Desktop app, open to the sync tab.

Getting Started

What is Paperpile?

Paperpile is a web-based reference citation management system, with emphasis on integration with Google apps and Google Chrome.

Getting Started

1. Navigate your browser to the website: Click either the "Start Paperpile" or "Start Trial" icons. Login with your SJSU email address.
2. Next, go to Settings > Account info and click on "Activate site license." This will switch your account from a limited trial to being part of the library's institutional subscription.
3. Enter your SJSU email address, then click the activation link you will receive via email. Now your account is part of the library's subscription and will not expire in 30 days.

Installing the Chrome Extension

When starting Paperpile, it will prompt you to install the browser extension that helps save citations to your library. If the pop-up does not show up, click here to install the extension.