Collection development in computer engineering is designed to support the baccalaureate and masters degree programs offered in the Department of Computer Engineering. The Department of Computer Engineering is the largest department in the College of Engineering at San Jose State University and one of the leading suppliers of engineers to Silicon Valley. The department offers the following academic programs:
The Library’s computer engineering books are cataloged in QA and TK sections, and are located on the 8th floor of the Library. The print computer engineering periodicals are also cataloged in QA and TK sections, and are located on the lower level of the Library. Students and faculty can check out books with unlimited number by using their library card. They can reserve or renew the books by using their online library accounts. The Library subscribes to a number of engineering databases which cover journal articles and other information on computer and software engineering, e.g. ACM Digital Library, Engineering Village, Scopus, Wiley (legacy collection), SpringerLink, and IEEE Xplore. Full-text of articles can be readily available from these databases. In order to support the graduate program, we have ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database. Theses and projects produced by San Jose State University’s graduates are available through the institutional repository called ScholarWorks.
In case of an unavailable article, students and faculty can request it through the Library’s Interlibrary service. Databases are readily accessible on-campus. When off-campus, SJSU ID and SJSUOne Password are required to access to the databases. A subject guide of computer engineering has been created to help students and faculty conduct research using the Library’s resources
There is a coordinated effort in the collection development and management for the Computer Engineering Department and the other SJSU engineering departments as well as with many of the science disciplines, most notably Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science.
A. Special Materials – None.
B. Languages – Selection should be primarily in the English language.
The Library’s collection on computer and software engineering is continually revised. The library always maintains the basic and essential computer and software engineering materials to support the curriculum and teaching. The program is evolving with the technological advancements and therefore, new materials are regularly added to supplement teaching and learning in those evolving areas. The Library’s continuous subscription to ACM Digital Library, Engineering Village (INSPEC), SpringerLink, and IEEE Xplore has greatly enhanced the study and research capability of students and faculty.
Additionally, three tutorials are created to supplement teaching and learning for both students and faculty. The tutorials are Database Search Strategies and More, Reading a Technical Paper, and Advanced Google. The tutorials are available through the Computer Science, Computer and Software Engineering research guide, as well on Canvas Commons.
Development of the computer and software Engineering collection over the next few years will require a concerted effort in working with the computer engineering faculty to identify changes in the curriculum and to review the library collection to ascertain that the appropriate research materials are available at a level comprehensive enough to support these new areas. Special attention will be paid to the library resource requirements imposed by the accrediting agency. Access to a greater number of key resources in full text will be emphasized. It is important to keep abreast of the rapid advances in computer and software engineering and the changes in engineering curriculum in order to keep the Library's collection up-to-date. As long as the budget is available, the major databases of ACM Digital Library, Engineering Village (with INSPEC) and IEEE Xplore must be kept in the Library’s collection. An on-going effort will be made on evaluating and selecting print books, e-books, online databases and e-journals by the collaborative efforts between the Library and the Department, through the discussion and negotiation between the engineering librarian and the Department’s library liaison.