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Data Management

Resources in documenting, storing and preserving research data

Write a DMSP

A data management plan (DMP), also called a data management and sharing plan (DMSP), is generally written by a researcher as part of the planning process before embarking on a project. Spending the time writing a DMP itself can clarify how to carry out data management tasks throughout the entire research data lifecycle. The process also creates a document that can be shared with lab staff or referenced as needed. DMPs are considered a living document and should be updated as circumstances inevitably change through the course of a research project.

SJSU engineering and data services librarian (Email: provides Data Management Plan Consultations and DMP Draft Review. Please submit your DMP review requests at least one week before the grant deadline. Review of plans submitted within five working days is at the librarian's discretion and depends on their availability.

Create Data Management and Sharing Plans (DMSPs) with DMPTool

San Jose State University subscribes to DMPTool, an online tool that helps researchers create data management plans specific to their funder's requirements. The tool includes links to funder requirements and sample plans. Researchers can create plans in a wizard that includes side-by-side instruction.

To get started:

1. Navigate to

2. In the upper right-hand corner, click "Login", type your SJSU email address, then click "Continue". You will be asked to sign in with Institution (SSO).

Enter Single Sign-On Credentials

3. Enter your single sign-on credentials.

4. You'll arrive at your personalized DMPTool dashboard. You are now ready to get started!

DMPTool Dashboard