KingbotGPT is an experimental and more advanced AI version of the original Kingbot chatbot (created with Dialogflow and Kommunicate chatbot development software).
KingbotGPT is a python-based version that aims to enhance the library’s after-hours chatbot to provide a more interactive and improved user experience.
It was built with Streamlit, LangChain, and GPT-4o Mini. After live reference hours are over, users can access the new chatbot.
Kingbot was the library's first AI chatbot.Kingbot provides directional and technical information and basic reference to King Library patrons after online reference hours are over.Although Kingbot is not powered by generative AI, it still used NLP and machine learning algorithms provided by Dialogflow, a natural language program developed by Google. Dialogflow allows you to design a chatbot while requiring no prior coding skills. Kommunicate was the third-party program we used to display Kingbot on the SpringShare chat widget on the library website.
The following studies focus on the development of Kingbot: