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King Library LEED certification

This research guide describes the green features of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, as defined by the LEED certification for the Operations & Maintenance for existing buildings, and focuses on the interconnections of buildings, community and self.

UN's definition of Sustainability

In 1987, the United Nations defined sustainable  development as "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." (Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, Brundtland Comission.)

Sustainability's Three Pillars


What pillars do the images represent?   

                    What are the 3 E's?                                                                 What are the 3 P's?


Images: Jacob_09/Shutterstock (2021). Ten ways to celebrate Earth day from home.  The old farmer's almanac, April 21, 2021,; Littleton-Lopez, Vanessa (2016) Promoting social equity in local government, PA Times, American Society for Public Administration, May 20, 2016.; Understanding World Economics,