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King Library LEED certification

This research guide describes the green features of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library, as defined by the LEED certification for the Operations & Maintenance for existing buildings, and focuses on the interconnections of buildings, community and self.

LEED Credit: Location & Transportation

LEED Location & Transportation (LT) Overview 

LEED Credit Library:

Remember the 3 E's of Sustainability: (Social) Equity, Environment, Economics!

Green Ninja

The MLK: a joint library

1.      Why is it important to have a joint library in one building? 

2.      What is the significance of this site hosting a library for over 100 years?

3.      Who uses the King Library? What populations do you see in the video? 

4.      Why is this important?

How do people get to the MLK?

  1. Make a list of all the ways that people get to the library.  Are any of the modes free?  What expenses does getting to the library involve?
  2. If people take public transit, what type of public transit do they use?  What are the routes that come to the library?
  3. If people drive,  where do they park?  How much does it cost them to park?