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Collection Development @ SJSU Library

Collection Development Policy -  Geography

Last Updated: 2018

Programs Supported

Selection in this subject is designed to support studies leading toward both the Bachelor of Arts and the Master of Arts in Geography, principally in the areas of Geographic Information Science (GIS), International Analysis, and Urban Analysis.  Selection also includes support for minors in Geography and Geographic Information Science, and a Certificate in Geographic Information Science.  For the BA program, students focus on the three areas of emphasis (above).  For the MA program, students focus on specific aspects of GIS:  geographic information systems development, cartographic visualization and application of geographic information technology to geographic analysis and education.

Existing Resources

The University Library serves as the University’s main resource for this subject.  The Geography Department also provides laboratories for work in Geographic Information Systems, computer cartography, and analysis of air photos and satellite images.  The Department also maintains a map library.

In the King Library, Geography benefits from collections maintained by the San Jose Public Library both in their non-fiction collection and in their map collection.


Geography is closely related to the Global Studies program, and is also coordinated with disciplines in the humanities, in the social sciences (including Environmental Studies) and in the natural sciences.  Responsibility for acquisition of items in these areas of overlap is decided in consultation with librarians responsible for collection development in the fields noted above.

Materials Collected

Materials are purchased in the format that most effectively delivers the information needed by the discipline.

Collection Strengths

We have a good collection of monographs on voyages and travels, and on discoveries and explorations.  The three major aspects of Geography education at SJSU - GIS, International Analysis, and Urban Analysis – are strongly supported, especially in the acquisition of monographs and of journals that are more complete in their emphasis on these areas of study.  The databases that support research in Geography have improved greatly in both coverage and focus in recent years.

Evaluation of Collection

The ultimate goal is to build and maintain a balanced collection of materials in all appropriate formats to support the curriculum of the department.  Special attention will be paid to the areas of the subject currently being emphasized by the teaching Faculty.