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Collection Development @ SJSU Library

Collection Development Policy -  School of Information

Last Updated: 2018

Programs Supported

Selection supports the graduate programs in the School of Information. All courses in this department are delivered online.

Collecting in library and information science supports the school’s Master of Library and Information Science; Master of Archives and Records Administration; Teacher Librarian Services Credential program; specialized certificate programs; the Gateway Ph.D.; and individual professional development courses.

Collecting is also designed to support the needs of San Jose State University library faculty and staff on current issues in academic librarianship, libraries, and technology.   

Existing Resources

The University Library serves as the University's main resource for this subject. The collection is enhanced by access to materials at other libraries through the Interlibrary Loan program.  The library also collects children’s and young adult literature and maintains historical collections of titles in these areas.


The liaison for the School of Information works with the liaison for Education, particularly Elementary Education. In addition, some information science materials are acquired by liaisons for Business and Computer Science.

Materials Collected

Materials are purchased in the format that most effectively delivers the information needed by the discipline. School of Information courses are offered solely online. Because of this, digital resources are prioritized. 

Collection Strengths

The School of Information book and journal collection at the SJSU Library is very strong in traditional curricular areas in Librarianship. Interlibrary Loan allows students to borrow books that the main library does not own. The Library and Information Science research guide provides information on the databases available:

Evaluation of Collection

Digital and print resources will continue to be evaluated using usage statistics and user feedback to ensure sufficient research support is provided. When possible, the collection will be compared to the collections of similar institutions to identify any gaps in the resources available. New materials are discovered through professional listservs (e.g., ili-l, uls-l, rusa-l, etc.), reviews in journals, and recommendations from faculty and students. Of particular interest are ebooks and databases that support new iSchool programs, such as informatics.