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Collection Development @ SJSU Library

Collection Development Policy - Meteorology & Climate Science

Last Updated: July 2018

Programs Supported

Selection for this discipline is designed to support undergraduate study leading to:

  • BS, Meteorology
  • BS, Meteorology, Concentration in Climate Science
  • Minor, Atmospheric and Seismic Hazards
  • Minor, Climate Change Strategies
  • Minor, Meteorology

The selection also supports Graduate study leading to:

  • MS, Meteorology

The department also offers a variety of General Education courses in meteorology and climate science. Meteorology and climate science  faculty research areas include air pollution meteorology, cloud processes, remote sensing, weather analysis and forecasting, global climate change, and atmospheres of other planets.

The BS curriculum prepares students for a career as meteorologists, who will enter professional practice in industry or government, or graduate programs in atmospheric sciences.  In addition the Department offers minors in Meteorology or Atmospheric and Seismic Hazards.

The MS degree in Meteorology is designed to give the student greater competency in theoretical and applied meteorology and to qualify the student for research work and higher levels of responsibility in the profession.  The MS degree curriculum also prepares the qualified student for entry into a Ph.D program in the Atmospheric Sciences.

Consideration is also given to materials which directly support the faculty’s current awareness in their instructional and research specializations.  

Existing Resources

The University Library is the main resourceThe Department maintains a small collection of materials on meteorology and climate science. Additionally, the collections are enhanced by access to materials from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan Services and CSU+ programs.


There is a coordinated effort in the collection of materials with environmental studies, geology, chemistry, geophysics, physics, and oceanography.

In some areas the materials collected may duplicate materials found in the San Jose Public Library (SJPL) collections, although in general, the SJSU collection is scholarly while the SJPL collection is more introductory or general.

Materials Collected

  1. Special Materials  - None
  2. Languages - English language material is collected. Non-English items that are unique and absolutely indispensable will be collected. Multi-language journals must be primarily in English.
  3. Geographical Areas - Worldwide coverage with a strong emphasis on North America
  4. Chronological Periods - Current materials are emphasized. Some historical items are collected.
  5. Current / Retrospective Materials - Materials selected are current (within the last 10 years). Older materials that contain valid information is retained. items of purely historical interest are not acquired unless of major significance to the field or local in nature.
  6. Other Factors - Approximately 30% of materials should be in book format, with the other 70% being journals. Periodicals indexed in Metrological and Geoastrophysical Abstracts receive first consideration for purchase.

Collection Highlights

Although a small collection, it is a good collection in many aspects of meteorology, climatology, oceanography, and other related subjects because of the University Library's subscription to all American Meteorology Society online journals. There is one journal that is highly appropriate that the Library does not subscribe  to: Journal of Geophysical Sciences: Atmosphere. 

Budgetary restrictions continue to also impact book purchases. The focus continues to be to fill in gaps and provide current essential books and print materials.

A comprehensive list of materials for this subject can be found in the Chemistry Research Guide:

Evaluation of Collection – Methods and Planning

Periodicals and electronic databases: Providing access to primary research materials continues to be important at SJSU Library even with flat budgets and high-inflation rates. New and existing programs will be supported with essential journal titles or online databases, depending on available funding. Constant improvement to Interlibrary Loan Services and CSU+ continues to be a great resource students and faculty via the delivery of books, journals, journal articles, and other materials from other libraries. Periodical and electronic databases are purhcased based on faculty and student requests via a trial period and an assessment of available funding.

Books: The SJSU Library will continue order books, with a focus on filling in gaps and purchasing current materials of interest to students and faculty. The format preference will be multi-user eBooks to allow access to students and faculty from anywhere and at anytime they conduct research. Information on collection use by the campus and public community will be part of future analysis. Books are purchased based on faculty and student requests, and by reading Choice Reviews and examining association publications.