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LibGuides How-To Guide

Best practices for creating and maintaining LibGuides

Create a New Guide

Create new guideTo create a new guide, log in to LibApps and, in the LibGuides Shortcuts box, choose "Create Guide.

You can either create a guide from scratch by choosing "Start Fresh," or make a copy of an existing guide to use as a template.

Visit Springshare's Get Help with LibGuides for more information and find step-by-step instructions for creating guides from scratch or from an existing guide.

Guide Type / Group


guide type/group screenshotGeneral Purpose: The default guide type and a useful category for guides that do not fall into the other types listed below, e.g. Fake News, 3D Printing, International Games Day @ SJSU

Course Guides: Guides created for a specific course, e.g. ART100W

Subject Guides: A starting point for research on a specific academic discipline, department, program, or major, e.g. Child & Adolescent Development.

Topic Guides: Guides created about a specific research topic, e.g. Cybersecurity or Clinical Trials.

Internal Guides: For guides intended only for internal use, e.g. this guide! These guides do not appear in SJSU Library's research guide lists, but are accessible to those with the guide's url.

Template Guide: Some librarians create templates to make creating future guides more efficient, and these can be categorized as template guides. We currently do not have any template guides.

This is where they will appear:

Guides by Type


Guide Group screenshotUnless you're creating a page for the library website, the only group you're going to need is Research Guides so that your guide will show up on the main Research Guides page. 

Friendly URL

Giving your guide a friendly URL can make it easier to find:

Friendly URL

Subjects & Tags

Subjects and tags are assigned to guides for organization and discoverability.

Subjects: Assigning a subject to your guide will make it appear under the appropriate subject on the LibGuides homepage. Assigning subjects also makes guides discoverable in OneSearch. Subject names are predetermined; you won't be able to create a new one.

Tags: You can assign any tags you'd like to your guides to aid with discoverability, but there are two that are important to use if you want your guides to appear in the Research Guides widget on the library website: 

  • subject_guide — so it will appear under Subject Guides 
  • course_guide  so it guide will appear under Course Guides 

Springshare help: Assign subjects & tags to a guide

       Assign tags

Guide Owners & Editors

Add editorsAlthough each LibGuide has only one owner, multiple users can still collaborate on guides. By default, regular-level users cannot edit guides they do not own, but if they are added as editors, they can do almost everything that guide owners can on a guide. 

More information is available from the Springshare LibGuides Help: Assigning editors to a guide.

Guide Navigation Settings

Click on the Guide Layout dropdown and select Guide Navigation Layout to edit the settings for the left navigation menu:

Guide navigation

The options are to show all subpages in the navigation, and to show box-level navigation for the current page:

guide navigation layout

Publishing Your Guide

When you create a new guide, the default status is unpublished so the guide is not available for the public to view. When you're ready to share your guide:

  1. At the top right hand side of the page, click "Unpublished" to view the drop down menu.

    Publish Guide
  2. Select Change Status & Share.
  3. In the pop up box, change Publication Status from unpublished to published, or make it private.

  4. Click Save.