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LibGuides How-To Guide

Best practices for creating and maintaining LibGuides

Pages & Subpages

Adding or reusing a page or subpage​

To add a new page to your guide, click the plus sign (+) box at the bottom of the left column. You can either create a new page, or you can reuse a page that already exists on another guide.

 If you would like the new page to appear as a subpage, use the Position dropdown to assign the new page under an existing top-level page. Remember: If you want to be able to edit a page that you're reusing, you must check the "Copy" box.

Reuse existing page

Friendly URLs

You can create a friendly URL for each page in a guide just as you can for the guide itself by clicking the pencil icon next to Page URL.

Deleting a page or subpage

To delete a page or subpage, click the Page button at the top of the page, followed by Delete Page. You will be prompted to choose which page or subpage you wish to delete. 

Caution: Once delete a page, there is no way to recover it. So make sure you choose the right page!

Mapping vs. Copying

Map if:

  • You want to use the exact original, without editing the content within it; you can still edit the title
  • You'd like your item updated automatically when edits are made to the original

Copy if:

  • You want to use another page or box as a template, but you want to add or edit content within it
  • You don't want the new item to be updated when the original item is edited

Moving Pages & Subpages

You can change the order of the pages in your guide, or even make top-level pages subpages and vice versa.

To reorder or move a page or subpage, click the Page button and, under Reorder / Move, choose Pages. From here, you can change the order of top-level pages and subpages in your guide.

Page properties