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LibGuides How-To Guide

Best practices for creating and maintaining LibGuides

Guide Maintenance

Set up a regular schedule to ensure that information is current and links work.


Using the Link Checker

To find your broken link assets in LibGuides:

  • Log into LibApps and go to LibGuides.
  • Select Tools in the navigation, and select Link Checker from the drop-down menu.
  • Type your last name under the Owner column. This will bring up your link assets that LibApps identified as potentially broken. 

To fix broken link assets:

  • First, you'll need to find the new link for the resource you intended to link. 
  • Once you have found the new link, select the edit icon under the Asset column, and replace with the correct link and save your changes.
    • Note: After you save your changes, you'll notice link that you see in the report will not change. This is because the report is static and just shows you the flagged link. Don't worry about this; the new link you've put in and saved is good to go. 
  • Then, dismiss the link asset you've just updated by selecting the trash bin icon under the Actions column. (Note: if you do not dismiss the asset, it will remain in the link checker report even though you fixed the link). 

If you have not found the correct link or would rather delete the asset altogether: 

  • Select the edit icon under the Asset column.
  • From there, open the LibGuide identified as the original guide location (indicated by an asterisk).
  • Once you are at the original guide, you can delete the link asset from the guide. 

To dismiss a flagged link that you see is actually working (false positive situation):

  • Under the Actions column, select the trash bin icon. This dismisses this link from the current report. 

Checking Your Guide's Statistics

Assessing Usage Statistics By Guide

1.Go to LibGuides > Statistics

2. Guides Tab > My Guides (Filter by Status, Daily or Monthly, and Time Frame) > Run Report

Report Settings for Running Statistics Report

Assessing Usage Statistics by Page

After running the initial report, click the name of the guide and run the report. 

Statistics Report by Page