Set up a regular schedule to ensure that information is current and links work.
More information: How the link checker works
Note: The LibGuides Link Checker is actually terrible and I would recommend using the Check My Links browser extension. Make sure you're not in edit mode when you run it or it will check the logout link and log you out of LIbGuides!
Use the Assets Manager to delete items permanently from the system, since removing or deleting an asset from within an individual guide will not remove it from the Assets list.
More information: Edit, delete, and export the assets in your system
More information: Upload and organize images in Image Manager.
To find your broken link assets in LibGuides:
To fix broken link assets:
If you have not found the correct link or would rather delete the asset altogether:
To dismiss a flagged link that you see is actually working (false positive situation):
This page contains a list of how-to's related to using LibGuides' Link Checker.
1.Go to LibGuides > Statistics
2. Guides Tab > My Guides (Filter by Status, Daily or Monthly, and Time Frame) > Run Report
After running the initial report, click the name of the guide and run the report.