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Resources for SJSU Librarians

Best Practices

Liaison Librarians collaborate with course instructors on developing, delivering, assessing, and improving information literacy initiatives across campus in support of institutional and program outcomes. The core activities of teaching and learning may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Practice basic principles of instructional and assignment design appropriate to information literacy instruction
  • Identify courses that may benefit from an information literacy session:
    • From a list of courses that previously requested classes
    • By keeping track of courses that generate requests for reference consultations 
    • By going to CSU dashboard and identifying DFW courses (grades of D, F, and withdrawal)
  • Communicate with course instructors about what information literacy instruction is and how it can be customized to their students needs
  • Collaborate with course instructors to design and integrate information literacy into degree programs through curriculum mapping
  • Support faculty on assignment design to encourage scaffolding information literacy throughout a degree program
  • Design lesson plans with clearly stated session learning objectives (SLOs)
  • Employ appropriate teaching techniques such as active learning, flipped classroom, problem solving, or gaming etc.
  • Provide alternative learning opportunities, such as online synchronous/asynchronous instruction, online modules, or research consultations
  • Engage in professional development in teaching and assessment to improve curriculum design, assessment, teaching, and learning
  • Assess library instruction using appropriate techniques (e.g. Administer a student learning outcomes survey toward the end of the session)
  • Use assessment data to improve teaching and learning
  • Assess teaching through regular self-assessment and regular peer evaluation

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