Teach rather than answer questions
Get students actively involved - guide them through a search, rather than have them watch you conduct the search.
Provide information, not interpretation, tutoring, or advice.
SJSU's Online Reference Sources Libguide: links to the library's main reference source databases, resources, and library tutorials
SJSU Library Research Demonstration Video:
Other resources:
RUSA Guidelines for Behavioral Performance of Reference and Information Service Providers
Guidelines of the Successful Reference Interview from American Library Association
Steps of a reference interview:
Martin Luther King Jr., Library Security Phone #: 408-808-2635
If a student or patron is showing sign of distress, but doesn't seem to be in need of immediate emergency service, call the Behavioral Intervention Team: 408-924-6339
For guide on how to respond to various situations of students in distress, refer to SJSU's Red Folder: https://www.sjsu.edu/bit/red-folder.php
Other resources:
Counseling and Psychological Services: 408-924-5910 (if after hours, press 4)
University Ombudsperson: 408-924-5995
Additional resources list: https://www.sjsu.edu/bit/resources/