The Economics Department offers undergraduate curricula leading to BA, Economics; BS, Economics; Minor, Economics; MA, Economics; and MA, Economics, Concentration in Applied Economics.
The BS degree program is designed for those who plan to study Economics at the graduate level or find employment as economists or in related fields.
The Department's graduate program MA, Economics offers intensive training in theoretical and applied economics in preparation for careers in teaching, business, and government or preparation for a doctoral program.
The University Library serves as the University's main resource for this subject. Depending on the subject area many titles are openly available online for use by the department.
The College of Business, the Political Science Department, the History Department and the Urban and Regional Planning Department also collect in some areas of interest to economics. Responsibility for acquisition, cancellation and other collection decisions in these areas of overlap is decided in consultation with faculty and librarians responsible for collection development in these fields.
Materials are purchased in the format that most effectively delivers the information needed by the discipline.
The University Library has a strong collection of monographs in the field of Economics. The Library also subscribes to a number of electronic resources to support on and off campus research, including discipline specific resources such as EconLit and NBER Working Papers. Additional electronic resources that support research in Economics, include JSTOR Journals and Books and Nexus Uni.
Digital and print resources will continue to be evaluated using usage statistics and feedback from department faculty and users to ensure sufficient research support is provided in these areas. When possible, the collection will be compared to the collections of similar institutions to identify any gaps in the resources available.