Description of Curriculum
The Mathematics curriculum is designed to prepare undergraduate and graduate students for a variety of careers and post-graduate educational opportunities, including business, actuarial science, mathematics teaching, and graduate study. In addition to the programs of study outlined below, the department supports the Center for Applied Mathematics, Computation and Statistics (CAMCOS). CAMCOS provides students, under guidance of a faculty supervisor, with real-world mathematical problem solving opportunities from industry (e.g. organizations such as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Intel, NASA Ames Research Center, etc.).
Degrees Offered
Selection for Mathematics is designed to support undergraduate study leading to the BS or BA degree, as well as minors, and graduate study leading to the MA or MS degree. Specific degrees offered include:
Entry Level Math Requirement (ELM) and Calculus
The Mathematics & Statistics department offers a Developmental Math Sequence for those students who do not pass the ELM exam, or enter SJSU with the requisite SAT/ACT math score. The Mathematics & Statistics department offers various Calculus courses, including Math 71, Calculus for Business and Aviation.
The University Library serves as the University’s main resource for this subject. Access to resources is provided through the Library’s Catalog and databases. Materials we which do not own or provide access to may be accessed through CSU+ or Interlibrary Loan (ILL).
There are a number of free, online resources for Mathematics & Statistics students, such as Khan Academy.
To avoid collection overlaps while ensuring complete coverage, there is coordination with the areas of Computer Science, Behavioral Sciences (e.g. Economics, etc.), Physics & Astronomy, Education, Engineering and Business.
In some areas the collection also duplicates materials found in the San Jose Public Library collections, although in general the SJSU collection is scholarly while the SJPL collection is more general and introductory.
A. Special Materials – Collected where appropriate to the curriculum.
B. Languages – The emphasis is on English language materials, but major works in foreign languages in Mathematics and Statistics that are unique and indispensable are collected if no translation is available.
C. Geographical Areas – There are no geographical limitations placed upon the collection.
D. Chronological Periods – Current publications are of primary importance but foundational and/or historic mathematics/statistics works are retained in the collection.
E. Current/Retrospective Materials – The emphasis is on keeping the collection as current as possible, but there is intentional effort to also have older materials that are appropriate to the curricula.
F. Other Factors - None.
The Library has a strong core collection of mathematics monographs from years past. This combined with the fact that mathematics materials remain relevant as they age provides a stable core in this subject area.
The collection also includes subscriptions to the MathSciNet database, as well as to several ebook collections, such as Safari Tech Books Online and Ebook Central. The ebook collections provide access to many new publications in Mathematics & Statistics.
Priorities include: