Reserves are course materials your instructor has made available for you to use in your course. Physical materials are in the library, and electronic course reserves are available in Canvas.
Electronic reserves are located in Canvas.
Physical course reserves are available at the Course Reserves desk on the first floor of the library. You can find your items on the Course Reserves list. Most items can be checked out for 2 hours, but some can be checked out for 1 day or 3 days. Loan periods are set by the professor. Course reserves can be picked up from and must also be returned to the SJSU Library course reserves desk on the ground floor of the library.
$1 per hour will be charged for late course reserve items, up to $120.
Reserve fines accrue even when the library is closed. On holidays, however, fines will not accrue.
Course Reserves material is available on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be renewed. If you wish to continue using an item after it is due, you must wait at least 15 minutes before checking it out again in order to give other users access to it.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 408-808-2300.
To submit a course reserves request for physical items owned by the SJSU Library, see Submitting a course reserve request through a Reading List.
To submit a course reserves request for physical materials that you own, see Instructor-owned materials for course reserves.
Electronic course reserves are added to your Canvas course through the Leganto Course Reading List tool within Canvas. See Create your Reading List.
The SJSU Library must own physical or electronic versions of the source in order for material to be placed on Electronic Course Reserves. When submitting journal articles or book chapters for electronic reserves, please identify the source material by providing a copy of the title page for each source or by clearly writing the bibliographic information on the front page.
If SJSU does not own a particular book or journal title, we cannot place it on electronic reserves until copyright permission is obtained. If permission is required, our office will look into securing it. All non-copyrighted material such as homework solutions and lecture notes may be placed on electronic reserve without permission.
Reserve requests will be processed in the order received. Depending on the volume of incoming items, it may take up to a week to process new reserves material.
Please contact your liaison librarian for assistance in identifying electronic resources for your course.
These are guidelines for using portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works that can be used according to Fair Use as indicated by the U.S. Copyright Office and the Conference on Fair Use.
For more information, see the Copyright and Fair Use research guide.