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Library's Hours:

Grad Lab

Grad LabThe Grad Lab is a graduate-student-only space located in the lower level.

Check out a key: Keys may be checked out from the 1st floor Circulation desk during circulation desk hours. You will need to show a valid Tower Card and be actively enrolled as an SJSU graduate student. 

  • Keys are checked out for a period of four hours. 
  • You may renew the key for another 4 hours by visiting the circulation desk.
  •  A replacement fee of $110 will be charged if keys are not returned at the end of the loan period or are lost.
  • The Grad Lab closes the last day of the spring semester so lockers can be cleaned and an inventory of equipment taken. All locker keys and room keys must be returned by end-of-semester due dates, and items removed from lockers. Any items remaining will be disposed of.
  • The Grad Lab will reopen the first day of the summer session only to students enrolled in summer session classes. 

Get a locker Grad students are eligible for Grad Lab locker loans. Locker keys are checked out at the SJSU Service Desk on the first floor of the library and are due back the last day of the semester ($5 a day for late keys, $25 for lost keys). Lockers should be cleaned out at the end of each semester. Anything left after the end of the semester will be removed by staff and placed in Lost and Found. After one week, items will be discarded.