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Library's Hours:

King Library Incubator Space

Incubator Space logo

The King Library Incubator Space is dedicated to events related to innovation challenges.

This space is located on the Lower Level of King Library and is available for reservation by organizations and groups affiliated with San José State University (SJSUOne account required). The Incubator Space needs to be reserved at least 3 days in advance.


  • 8 tables along the perimeter of the space with four chairs per table for a total of 32 chairs. Each table is equipped with an LCD screen and HDMI connector.
  • 4 workstations located in the middle of the space, with four chairs each for a total of 16 chairs.
  • The lab does come equipped with a Smartboard upon request.

Room Configuration and Occupancy

  • The room configuration is the responsibility of the event host. Before leaving, please ensure that the room is returned to its original configuration.
  • Total occupancy is 48.

Media & Technology

The King Library Incubator Space is a self-service space supported by the event host unless otherwise negotiated with University Library Administration. There is no library IT support available. Cables, adapters, etc. can be checked out by SJSU users from Student Computing Services on the 1st floor of the library (requires valid Tower ID).


Food and drink are permitted in the IDC but must comply with the library’s Behavior in the Library Policy as well as campus policies related to catering and food service. Sterno and other open flame fuel-based chafing dish warmers are not allowed in any room in the King Library. Food tables are not provided for this space. If you are having an event catered, please plan accordingly.

Reserve the Incubator Space

Incubator Space in the lower level of the King Library

People in the incubator Space in the lower level of the King Library

Incubator Space in the lower level of the King Library