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Africana, Asian American, Chicano, & Native American Studies Center

Africana, Asian American, Chicano, & Native American Studies Center

The Africana, Asian American, Chicano, & Native American Studies Center is made up of four collections located on the fifth floor of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. These collections — AfricanaAsian AmericanChicano, and Native American Studies — support academic programs and classes at SJSU, and each collection is supported by its respective Resource Center Advisory Committee. In addition, the Center houses a Comparative Ethnic Studies and Reference collections. 

The intent of these collections is to accomplish the following:

  • To create a nurturing academic support center for students.
  • To encourage the development of information literacy skills to help students become lifelong learners who can access, evaluate, and effectively use all library resources.
  • To foster in students a deeper understanding of and pride in their respective cultures and an appreciation and understanding of other cultures.
  • To give all SJSU students a greater appreciation and understanding of the history and culture of the Africana, Asian American, Chicano, and Native American communities.
  • To provide a collection of comparative multicultural resources to facilitate research between cultures.
  • To work collaboratively with their respective communities in San José to create programming and fundraising opportunities.

AAACNA New Books